Festival del Mondo Antico 2016 - The Ancient World Festival

Inheriting the Future The cultural heritage between memory and damnatio

10th, 11th, 12st June 2016
Multiple Events

The Ancient World Festival is back in Rimini in its 18th edition. The event aims to give opportunities to rediscover the ancient time, but also to find opportunities to meet and study. In a other words it is a multifaceted festival of knowledge and reflection on the many branches of culture of which we are the spiritual heirs.
This year the title of the festival is 'Inheriting the Future. The cultural heritage between memory and damnatio' - three days of meetings and panel discussions with the presence of important experts, journalists and economists.
There are scheduled guided tours to discover Rimini through its art works, and this year to the Festival are joined also the exhibitions of the Biennale Disegno Rimini.
Not to be missed -  ARimini Caput Viarum - the new visitor centre, a multimedial and interactive space which offers an unique experience to discover the history of Ariminum, the ancient Roman Rimini.
The 2016 edition has expanded to include surrounding areas such as the Valmarecchia valley in hinterland with San Leo, the medieval and Renaissance treasure, and the Archaeological Museum in Verucchio with important testimonies of the Villanova civilization.
The attention to sustainable tourism is a common thread that includes some initiatives, from the conference on Grand Tour (renewable resources and ancient techniques of construction) to the Gran Fondo cycling tour on the protohistorical route ‘Transappenninica’.
As tradition there are also special initiatives dedicated to kids and young people, the "Piccolo Mondo Antico Festival", in order to let them discover the heritage and deepen the issues of  relationship between ancient and present time.


Rimini different venues

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