Discover Rimini

Guided tours to discover Rimini by the art historian Michaela Cesarini

Throughout the year, Discover Rimini proposes suggestive guided tours held by art historians and archaeologists. The aim is to enhance the art works preserved in Rimini City Museum and the monuments in the historic centre.

Among the weekly tours there are:

Every Thurssday from June to September
Art itinerary by night in Rimini historic centre
An evening walk in the historic centre in the company of an art historian to enjoy the beauty of the most important buildings in Rimini: the Arch of Augustus, the Tiberius Bridge, the Surgeon's House (the Domus), the Malatesta Temple, the Rimini Municipality buildings and the Old Fish Market.
There will also be stories of famous people linked to the city from Julius Caesar to Francesca da Rimini, from Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta to Palladio and to Federico Fellini.
The tour will be held in Italian and English languages (on request)
Meeting and departure c/o the Arch of Augustus at 9 pm

Other tours are available exceptionally during the year or on request:

The Malatesta family of Rimini, the princes of war and arts

A path between art and faith in the churches of Rimini

Saints, bandits and piada: a 'cultural-gastronomic' tour at dusk in the charming village of San Giuliano between history, art and adventurous legends

Fellini's Rimini: a cultural walk from the seaside to the historic centre

The guided tours are on fee and booking is required within the day before