Tonino Guerra

Tonino Guerra (1920 - 2012): poet and writer of international fame.

He was born on 16th March 1920 in Santarcangelo di Romagna and lived for thirty years in Rome, with long stops in Russia, his second homeland. His refuge, from the second half of the 80s, was in Pennabilli, in the heart of the historical Montefeltro. The literary career of Tonino Guerra is full of prestigious awards. De Sica, the Taviani brothers, Rosi, Tarkowskij, Antonioni and Federico Fellini are the most important directors for whom he wrote screenplays, also deserving an Oscar nomination. But Guerra was not only this, he was a multidisciplinary artist who dedicated himself to painting, ceramics and landscape architecture. He created works that can be found throughout the territory. So in his parks, fountains, gardens, but also restaurants, hotels, which he called "Places of the soul", one can read his profound poetic soul.

Info: Associazione Culturale Tonino Guerra - 
Via Dei Fossi 4 - 47864 Pennabilli (RN)
tel: +39 0541 928846