Medical Services for tourists

'Guardia Medica' for Rimini area

The service is active every working day from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.;from 10 a.m. on Saturdays or on any other pre-public holiday, to 8 a.m. of the next Monday/ the next day.

The Summer Duty Medical Services is generally active from June to mid-September. 
The Health Service Assistance is dedicated to foreign and Italian tourists and non-resident seasonal workers.
From June active service 24hs by calling  +39 0541.787461

When the summer Duty Medical Services are not on, tourists may also address to the local general practitioners for visits or occasional appointments - on payment of a fee - by calling the Duty Medical Assistance - tel +39 0541/787461- on the duty hours.

Ambulatory medical assistance: 15 €
House call (day or night): 25 €
A medical receipt (for tax purposes) must be issued after every visit.

The hospitals Accident and Emergency Services are reserved to severe pathologies (e.g. violent trauma), sudden ailments that cannot be treated by the regular local health services (e.g. loss of consciousness).