#myRimini: the 2021 edition of the visual storytelling project for citizens and visitors is underway

Published on: 19 January 2021

#myRimini, the social storytelling project of Rimini Municipality which aims to narrate the city through the eyes of those who visit, live and love it, relaunches its proposal to citizens and tourists for 2021.

Do you hang out at Rimini? do you live it? do you "use" it? do you dream about it? do you want to tell abuot it? Well then, welcome to the 2021 edition of the social storytelling project of Rimini Municipality.
The project, born in 2015, is growing year by year, involving an increasing number of participants and followers.During 2020, 7,600 new followers joyned myRimini, reaching a total of 23,000. An increasing international project, which contributes to giving a dynamic, fresh and spontaneous image of Rimini in the world, through its followers's contibution from 45 different countries. In 2020 40 were the new registrations, which contributed to the publication of one photo per day, selected from the many that arrive daily from the 146 subscribers.

The project

#myRimini is the narrative thread of the city of Rimini, together with its daily way of life, between culture, seaside ands events, capable of capturing photo shots of local residents and tourists, its richness in the visual glimpses that strike and belong to each of us, with the aim of telling an unknown Rimini .

Citizens and tourists are the storytellers of our territory when they tell the city, its people, its events, its places, its history on social networks. The goal of #raccontaRimini is to narrate the city through the eyes of those who visit, live and love it. For this reason, the Municipality of Rimini has made available to them, whether they are citizens or tourists, its social channels: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest.

Become a testimonial of our territory

To participate in this collective narrative, you can register for the fb group "MyRimini storytelling project" where you can find the specific #hastagh. Each storyteller can actively participate in the storytelling initiatives proposed by the group while maintaining their own artistic and editorial autonomy.

The Instagram profile @comunerimini is available to tell Rimini, its monuments, the most hidden and unusual places.Pictures of daily life, seaside and events.

How to become myRimini photo reporter

Read the project regulations (we reserve the right to change the regulations during construction)

subscribe http://bit.ly/MyRiminiIscrizione

Take the photos tag @comunerimini, the use of the hashtag #myRimini is mandatory.

The images can be published not only on Instagram but also on the other social profiles of the Municipality, namely Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Pinterest, Tumblr

To the hashtag #MyRimini it is possible to add the following themes:

Rimini to live
The port, the dock and the "palata", the beach, the tourists, the sea in the four seasons > add #RiminiaMare #RiminiTurismo

Rimini and its history
From Tiberius Bridge to the Arch of Augustus, the ancient Ariminum, the stones emit sounds, the indelible mark of the historic city > add #RiminiAnticoPresente #CastelSismondo #domusdelchirurgo #tempiomalatestiano #arcodAugusto #castelSismondo #ponteditiberio
The modern architecture of the city towards the future for the recovery of the city fabric > #Riminiforward #architecturelovers #archeologiaindustiale #rigenerazioneurbana #industrialdesign etc ..

Rimini art, theater, exhibitions, events > #teatrogalli #TeatrodegliAtti #far #museodellacitta #SagraMusicaleMalatestiana #alanuovadelmuseo, etc ...


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