E la chiamano Rimini: from 9 July to 31 August, more than 130 events: cinema, music, theatre, art and literature in the arenas under the stars in Rimini

Published on: 8 July 2020

Cinema, music, theatre performances, but also readings, conferences, appointments dedicated to culture and art in many venues in the city of Rimini, from historic centre to the beach and the surrounding districts.

A rich proposal of events under the name 'E la chiamano Rimini' (And they call it Rimini) for an unusual season during which people can enjoy live shows thanks to an outdoor arena circuit that will host round 100 events.

Two are the main arenas that will host the summer events program: the Corte degli Agostiniani, historically a symbol of summer entertainment in the city, andthe Arena Lido, a new arena under the stars close to the seashore at the Marina di Rimini, one of the most suggestive spots in Rimini. Next to these two outdoor places, other symbolic places of the city will host several events such as the Lapidarium in the City Museum, the courtyard of the Gambalunga Library, the square on the water at the bridge of Tiberius, the Colonia Bolognese (one of the seaside hostels erected in this area in the early 1900s), the Podere dell'Angelo in the countryside and the ex Enel warehouses in via Destra del Porto.
Here a varied choise of events that will be offered to the public:

> Cinema
A rich schedule, including reviews, new films and auteur films. At the new dock, Marina di Rimini, you will have the opportunity to enjoy an aperitif at sunset before the screenings. Thanks to the collaboration with the Italian Film Academy David di Donatello Awards, the films they have awarded will illuminate the nights of the arena. At the Corte degli Agostiniani, on the other hand, the reviews dedicated to the Master of Cinema Federico Fellini and to the great Italian actor Alberto Sordi will engage the giant screen under the stars with their most iconic and appreciated films.

> Music
Jazz at the Arena Lido with great names on the national scene such as Paolo Fresu who plays David Bowie on Tuesday July 14; Enrico Rava, Stefano Bollani and Gianluca Petrella who will perform on August 25 while Fabrizio Bosso & Jazz Inc will be on stage on 17 August. All of kinds of music, genres and artists will alternate on the stage of the different arenas: Corte degli Agostiniani, Colonia Bolognese, square on the water at the bridge of Tiberius, Podere dell'Angelo. Among the artists, the protagonists of the collective project “And they call it Rimini". Classical music will also be performed during the summer with Toscanini Orchestra and the solo violin by Mihaela Costea, or with Marco Bellini and Luigi Zardi together with the "Lettimi" string quintet: the former on August 6 at the court of Augustinians, the latter on August 19 in the City Museum Lapidary .

> Theatre
Prose, choreographic works, shows for children, these are the theatre events starting from July 14th. From 28 August to 6 September it is the turn of  “Le Città Visibili”, a theatre and music festival with a fine program of events and outstanding artists. For children, the appointments will be host in the courtyard of the Gambalunga Library with the reading show by Alessia Canducci 'Machemare!' salt water fairy tales (22 July) or by Linda Gennari with a show taken from Alice in Wonderland (7 and 8 August), in collaboration with Compagnia Alcantara. Other numerous evenings will be dedicated to theater, among them the show "Odyssey to the sea" (Patalò Theater) on schedule at the Colonia Bolognese or "The Abyss" by and with Davide Enia at the Corte degli Agostiniani.

> Art and literature
Even readings, conferences and meetings with authors will find a place under the stars of Rimini's summer arenas. Evenings dedicated to great authors, such as the poet Elio Pagliarani or the writer and humourist Lia Celi, will alternate in the courtyard of the Library and the Roman lapidary in the City Museum.

These places, and the many others that will be open-air stages this summer, will be animated also thanks to the many consolidated events that enrich the cultural offer of Rimini, such as Cartoon Club, Le città visibili, Amarcort, Ulisse Fest, Croassroads

The stalls at the Corte degli Agostiniani, as well as the other municipal spaces that will host the various events this summer, have been reorganized in such a way as to provide for the necessary distance between the sits. All appointments, require booking or pre-sale purchase of the ticket.

INFO: E la chiamano Rimini