Ariminum - The rediscovery of Roman roots

Published on: 24 July 2019

A journey into antiquity to relive the uses and customs of the imperial Ariminum.
The project of the 'Associazione Culturale Tredicesima Legio-Gemina', is to enhance the historic center of Rimini through three evenings of historical re-enactment that will transport visitors in the glories of the imperial era.
Every evening a speaker will describe to the public the deep roots of the territory, through a re-enactments related to a citizen or a Roman legionary.
On Tuesday 6th August, at the new “Francesca da Rimini” arena in the shadow of Castel Sismondo, the Ludus Aemilius group will stage some gladiatorial shows, alternated with ancient dances (performed by the Ignis Vestae of Rimini).
On Wednesday, August 28th, Roman legionary patrols will roam the city channeling people into the museum gardens. The focus of the evening will be the birth of a legionary between marches, ancient fencing techniques and troops movements. During the evening, educational spaces will be dedicated to medical art and the most popular games.
On Tuesday 17 September, the arena of Castel Sismondo will be the stage of simulations and reproductions of clashes between Roman soldiers (Legio XIII Gemina) and barbarian formations (association "Nertobacos" of Bologna) where the different fighting techniques and the structure of the Roman legion will be analyzed.
Spectators can be involved by trying to carry a shield and position themselves in a row with the legionaries.
Start at 9.00pm.