Rimini, traveling among the Nativity scenes

Published on: 3 December 2018

Rimini: traveling among the Nativity scenes

From those made of sand to those submerged in the sea and those that come from all over the world. So here is a brief tour of the nativity scenes to be discovered in Rimini. A first Christmas taste, with a journey through the nativity scenes.


8 December 2018 - 13 January 2019
Rimini, free beach  Piazzale Boscovich
Sand nativity scene in Marina Centro
Life is a work of art

In a new area of ​​the beach, the Marina Centro Sand Nativity covers an area of ​​900sqm.
Here as every year the artistic re-enactment of the Nativity is repeated through the magic of the sand.
A magical atmosphere where suggestion and beauty strike the imagination of those who admire the unconventional nativity scene with sculptural groups in natural size, created by skilled artists of the sand.
In perfect classic style with historical and topical references for a journey through time presented by the guides who accompany the visitor along the way explaining all the phases of the construction and the themes of the sculptures. The area also hosts a colorful and lively handicraft market with Christmas products.
Village timetable: from Monday to Friday 2.30pm – 7.00pm; holidays and days before holidays: 9.30am - 8.00pm
From  22 December to 6 January 2019: 09.30am - 8.00pm
Admission to groups and schools: 10.30am - 12.30am every day by appointment only
Entrance: € 2. (excluding children under 120 cm)
Info: +39 331 5224196 - +39 338 6616407 www-icevillagerimini.it - info@presepedisabbiarimini.it

8 December 2018 – 13 January 2019
Rimini - Torre Pedrera beach, beach resort 65
Sand nativity scene in Torre Pedrera
Also this year on the beach 65 beautiful sand sculptures are created thanks to the work of sand artists directed and coordinated by the Torre Pedrera Tourist Committee.
The twelfth edition will be dedicated to children. Comics characters will appear among the scenes of the traditional nativity scene.
Nearby another structure hosts a typical market with Christmas products.
During the Christmas holidays there will be the usual bingo on the beach, with entertainment by Santa Claus and the Befana.
Timetable: everyday from 9:15am to 12:45 am and from 2:30pm to 5.45pm. Free entrance.
Extraordinary openings extended during the holidays.
Info: whatsapp +39 348/8702312
Facebook/Instagram: presepedisabbiatorrepedrera 

from 1 December 2018 to 6 January 2019
Rimini, Castel Sismondo Piazza Malatesta 
Christmas at the Castle: 16th Exhibition of Nativity scenes from all over the world
The theme of the exhibition will be "Traveling, meeting, narrating".
The journey as a necessary movement to get out of oneself, one's own ideologies, one's own preconceptions and meet the other, another culture, another way of living the faith, another country.
Every meeting with the other is a source of treasure and mutual growth.
Meeting to understand not only what I can give, but also what I can receive.
In this sense, as Saramago writes, "The journey never ends. Only travelers end. And they too can be prolonged in memory and in narration ".
It will therefore be not only an exhibition to see but a trip to meet the various immigrant communities who have prepared their Nativity scene, listen to their stories and taste their food.
The exhibition will be inaugurated by Bishop Francesco.
Guided tours can be booked by contacting: migrantes © diocesi.rimini.it - ​​cell. +39 329.9537234
Timetable: everyday  9:30am – 12:30am   3:30pm – 7:00pm

8 December 2018 – 6 January 2019
Rimini, ponte della Resistenza (Ponte dei Miracoli), San Giuliano Mare
Bright nativity scene, decorations and Epiphany on the Bridge of Miracles
The bridge of the Resistance, where it is said that St. Anthony preached to fish, is decorated throughout the Christmas period with scallops, a Christian symbol, decorated with hopeful phrases in over 60 languages, a multicultural initiative in memory of Davide Farinella .
Via Coletti, called "The bright street", leads to the Holy Family among the Angels of the Bridge and the stylized figures of the Three Kings, made by Salvatore Federici.
The highlight of the initiative will be Sunday, January 6th with the Holy Representation of the Nativity with a naval cortege
Info: Associazione Ponte dei Miracoli

16 December 2018
Rimini, Historic centre
Living nativity scene in the historic centre
The Living Nativity is a gesture of recollection that for years the schools run by the Karis Foundation offer to the whole city and its guests.
Also this year, the event is animated by the pupils of nursery, primary and  secondary schools.
The Sacred Representation will start at around 4.00 pm with the preparation of the living paintings near the Arch of Augustus.
From here starts a path of meditation and contemplation about the Mystery of the Nativity along the streets of the historic center up to the churchyard of the Tempio Malatestiano, where the Nativity Representation takes place.
Info:  +39 0541 375002; +39 0541 375813

15 December 2018
Rimini, Miramare
XVI living Nativity in Miramare
'Stand up, Joseph!

The performance will take place through the streets of the neighborhood with the students, parents and teachers of the “Istituto Comprensivo Miramare” and of the kindergarten "Don Domenico Masi", in collaboration with the scout group "Lupetti" and the parish of Miramare.
This year the event goes to the heart of the mystery of the Incarnation, identifying itself with the human experience of the one who was its custodian.
Start at 3:00 p.m. at the private parking place next to the post office of Miramare and then finish inside the Parish Church of the Sacro Cuore di Gesù.
Info: www.presepemiramare.it

23 December 2018
Rimini, Borgo Sant'Andrea
Living Nativity in Borgo Sant'Andrea
Over 150 participants for the living nativity in the Borgo Sant'Andrea . The theme of this year is inspired by Saint Francis, inventor of the nativity scene.
The performance takes place in the Piazza Mazzini area at 3 pm.
Info: +39 0541 782212 (Parish of San Gaudenzo)

25 December 2018 - 6 January 2019
Rimini – Darsena (dock)
Underwater nativity scene
At the new “Darsena di Rimini” the traditional nativity of the sea emerges from the waters, giving life to a unique show.
As usual, at 5.00pm on December 25th the nativity scene is brought to the surface by divers, and it will remain there to be admired by the public until the Epiphany when it will be immersed again.
The ceremony is made possible thanks to the collaboration of naval forces and civil protection.
Info: +39 0541 29488

6 January 2019
Rimini, ponte della Resistenza
Epiphany on the Bridge
Sacred Representation of the Nativity and naval procession with the Three Wise Men, who, bring the gifts to the boat of the Child Jesus. The event, accompanied by songs and luminous fountains, is realized by the Associazione Ponte dei Miracoli in collaboration with the association of Rimini seafaring. At the end, the Parish of San Giuseppe al Porto willl offers mulled wine and donut.
At about 4 o'clock pm

Do not forget the live nativity scenes that take place on the beautiful hills of Rimini, such as Montefiore and Montescudo, where the Medieval Villages become the natural theater of the Nativity representation.
Or the unique nativity scenes in the tuff caves in Santarcangelo.

Info: www.riminiturismo.it