Events, history, art and traditions: discover the hinterland of Rimini in autumn

Published on: 21 September 2017

In Autumn, Rimini holds many unexpected surprises. As well as the sea that slowly empties of parasols and sun loungers, leaving space for walking along the beach for chatting or meditating, or doing new sports such as Nordic Walking, there is a magnificent historic centre to discover, with signs of the Roman art, such as the Tiberius Bridge or the Arch of Augustus, a source of inspiration for Renaissance architecture; the Malatestian Temple, the masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance; the City Museum with works of the Rimini school of the fourteenth century and many other artistic treasures; and the Domus del Chirurgo (Surgeon’s House), with its exceptional surgical-pharmaceutical equipment, the richest from antiquity. The milder climate of Autumn becomes an ideal atmosphere for discovering the magnificent hinterland, cradle of the Malatesta & Montefeltro, a few kilometres away from the sea. Twenty-two towns offer their finest, stretched out along the beautiful valley of the Conca and Marecchia rivers, where there are many historical and artistic testimonies of which there are rich villages and towns, which are also valued at this time by the Autumn festivals and events. This is the right season, in fact, to taste the products of the earth or to gather around typical traditional dishes, prepared according to recipes handed down throughout history, and the ingredients are obtained thanks to the care of the skilled farmers, breeders and farmers of our lands, who are greatly appreciated all over the world.

The following are the main Autumn events that bring life to the villages of the Rimini hinterland up to the next Christmas holidays:


3 - 24 September 2017
The ancient fruits of Italy meet each other in Pennabilli
The event defends and celebrates traditional, ancient or "forgotten" crops, and biodiversity, that is the great variety of plants that allows for extreme diversification of colours, flavours, resistances and nutritional content. In the historic centre of the village, dominating the green valley of Marecchia, there will be the traditional Forgotten Fruit market, themed exhibitions, conventions and cultural meetings dedicated to agriculture and "ancient fruits", workshops dedicated to craftsmanship with natural materials, creative activities for children, and entertainment and popular folklore shows.  
Info: Tonino Guerra Cultural Association

24 September 2017
The small town of Scavolino in Pennabilli
The Feast of the Madonna – The Polenta and Celery Festival

8 - 9 - 10 December 2017
The Montefeltro Film School Festival
The village fair of the Cinemas School to promote the films of the cinema students of every latitude, from the United States to Russia

8 - 31 December 2017
The historic centre of Pennabilli
Christmas Celebrations and New Year’s in the Square
The Great Nativity on the Cliff, the street of the Penne Nativity Scenes, the Artists’ Nativities, and New Year's
The New Year's festival, with the kiss under the "Pergolato della buona sorta" (Good Luck Pergola) with the mistletoe and the propitiatory grape, the Great Bonfire of the old year, the toast of a Thousand People, the Dances around the Fire until dawn, and the fireworks. From 2 a.m. onwards: the "Behind the scenes party" at the Vittoria Theatre, and the various entertainment nights organised by the owners of the bars in the historic centre. 

28 - 29 - 30 December 2017
The historic centre of Pennabilli
Pennabilli Django Festival 6th edition
The event is devoted to the extraordinary figure of the Belgian guitarist Django Reinhardt, the creator and greatest exponent of the musical genre "Manouche", also known as "Gipsy Swing". The event will enrich the atmosphere of the days between Christmas and New Year, allowing you to listen to great music at the Pennabilli venues, which will become “Hot Clubs”, where there will be music, fun and jam sessions. In the splendid setting of the Vittoria Theatre, there will be concerts, workshops and seminars. 
Info: Ultimo Punto Cultural Association

Permanent Show
Pennabilli, Piazza Garibaldi, 1 
MATEUREKA – the Calculus Museum
The museum preserves the memory of inventions and ideas that have made the history of computing and mathematics great. At the permanent exhibition of the most significant calculus tools and basic mathematics ideas that occupy the four floors of Pennabillli's most prestigious buildings, Mateureka carries out an activity outside the museum, including temporary shows, exhibitions, conferences, debates, and in-depth studies.



Every Sunday in October 1 - 8 - 15 - 22 - 29 October 2017
Sant’Agata Feltria
The National Fair of the Exquisite White Truffle – 32nd edition
The Fair offers the appreciation of typical products, by selecting the best, first of all being the exquisite white truffle. Directly from its natural habitat, the woods, the precious tuber is transformed in the kitchen to create dishes of high gastronomic value. 
On Sundays in October, Sant'Agata is transformed into a place where you can emerge yourself in a charming and fragrant atmosphere, stroll through the streets and squares to admire the many typical features of the event. The wine tour that attracts representative wine-growing companies, the race of truffle dogs, to get first-hand experience of the exciting time of searching for the precious tuber in the company of the faithful dog. 
The visit to the town is also an opportunity to admire the ancient monuments of high architectural value: the Angelo Mariani Theater, the Fregoso Fortress, the San Girolamo Convent, and the art fountains.  Every Sunday, the event is enriched with itinerant shows, music, entertainment, and exhibitions.

26 November - 3 - 8 - 10 - 17 December 2017
Sant’Agata Feltria
The Town of Christmas
An atmosphere rich in charm with the Local Christmas Market and the home of Father Christmas and the Elves 
On the festive days that precede Christmas, the event has become the Winter event for Christmas market enthusiasts offering original gift ideas and refined decorations, wrapping adults and children up in a richly appealing atmosphere. Tourists walk the streets and squares to the traditional sound of bagpipes, admiring the evocative artisan nativity scenes and artistic dioramas exhibited in the church of San Francesco della Rosa, adjacent to the Fregoso Fortress, beginning with the visit to the permanent museum "A Riveder le Stelle" (To see the Stars Again). 
In the Market Square, the "Santa Claus and Elves House" is set up around which children's events are organised. At this magical home, two reindeers are set up, drawing a beautiful sledge that has come together with them from the distant Lapland and who have been the protagonists of the film "Il mio amico Babbo Natale” (My Friend Santa Claus). Kids experience their magic moment, eager to see their dreams come, walking forward, astonished, to deliver their letters to Santa Claus's secretary, ready to welcome their desires. 
Within the event, there are performances that are linked to ancient traditions: Bagpipers, Traditional Christmas Music and a Santa Claus Band. Gastronomy becomes the rediscovery of the typical dishes of local tradition, in a gastronomic route dedicated to "Advent Dishes". 



From 14 to 22 October 2017
Verucchio, Archaeological Museum and Malatesta Fortress
The History Festival
At its third edition, the festival is an event designed to rediscovering the fascination of the history of Verucchio, with engaging, theme-guided tours, and conferences in the Malatesta Fortress and the Archaeological Museum. The event is also designed to educate children to appreciate the history and the local past with educational activities to learn while they have fun. 
The 2017 edition celebrates the 600th anniversary of the birth of Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta with various events, including the animated visits to the Fortress by the TeatrOrtaet entitled 'Malatesta: Splendours and fortunes of a family of Captains of fortune (on weekends) and 'Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta - Processes to History' (Sunday, October 22). The final day also includes exhibitions, workshops and medieval games for adults and children. 
Info: +39 0541.670222



Sundays in October
Montefiore Conca
The Chestnut Feast
A traditional autumn event with the delicious fruit of the forest 
4 Sundays with shows, refreshment points, a wine and food market, chestnuts, games in the square, and folk music with an orchestra. 
Info:  +39 0541 980035

26 December 2017 and 1 January 2018
Montefiore, along the narrow streets of the village under the Fortress 
Living Nativity
A performance of the Nativity, with figures. A true Bethlehem revisited in a careful and knowledgeable way that involves the entire town through a well-marked trail along the narrow streets of the village. The smell of freshly baked bread, the incense, the spice of the market, all joins the smoke of the many fires marking the route. Numerous scenes of everyday life with the cobbler, the carpenter, the bricklayer, the blacksmith, the woodcutters, the sculptors, the goldsmiths, and so on. The star guides the way to the unmissable Three Wise Men. 
Info: +39 0541.980035



30 September and 1 October 2017       
Santarcangelo, Squares and streets of the centre
The San Michele Fair
The oldest fair in the city favours the themes dedicated to animals and the agricultural world, with exhibitions and initiatives devoted to them. It is also called "Birds Fair" because a unique competition is carried out - The Songbird Race in which livestock breeders take part. 
Last but not least, for children there are teaching initiatives, workshops related to the world of animals and nature. Numerous stalls on the streets of the centre showcase gardening tools, plants, flowers and natural products. 
On Friday, September 29, side events are planned (without stalls). 

10 – 11 - 12 November 2017
Santarcangelo di Romagna, Squares and streets of the centre
The San Martino Fair
Known as "La Festa dei Becchi’ (The Billy Goat Festival), or the Horned Festival, it is the most important fair in the city. 
In the most central square of Ganganelli, under the triumphal arch of Clement XIV, great horns are hung for the occasion. Tradition calls for them to swing when betrayed people walk under them. 
The fair, once a very important cattle market, is now dedicated to food - with the offer of all kinds of specialties, including those of various Italian regions - and to trade, with street vendors, the collection of samples, the exhibition of agricultural machines, and craftsmanship. Among the many events scheduled, one not to miss is the National Festival of Cantastorie, as well as the "Palio della piadina", a unique competition open to all those who are strictly non-professionals and want to test themselves to make the piadina romagnola flatbread. 



8  October 2017
The Historic Centre of Talamello
The Chestnut Fair
The Chestnut Fair of the Alta Valmarecchia has reached its 19th edition and year after year it attracts a huge number of visitors. The show tends to enhance the precious fruit of the undergrowth that has long been on the list of typical traditional national products. This is a real niche fruit, characterised by a rather limited production. The presence of centuries-old chestnut trees attests to cultivation since ancient times. In fact, it seems that the introduction of this crop is due to the presence of monastic orders in medieval times. In addition to the fair, throughout the period you can visit the chestnuts groves, and collect chestnuts directly from the producers.
Info: +39 0541/920036

18 - 19 November 2017
Talamello – historic centre
The Formaggio di fossa (literally Cheese of the pit) Fair - 32rd edition
The festival of cheese seasoned in a pit named by the poet Tonino Guerra Talamello Amber, because of the extraordinary colour that the sandstones take on upon the reopening of the pits. A unique delicacy, being placed in the pits in August and taken out in November. 
According to legend, the origins of the pit cheese date back to the mid-1400s when the farmers of the Romanesque-Marchine Apennine, to defend themselves from looting, took up the habit of hiding their supplies in trenches excavated in sandstone. This was how, after the raids and liberation from the oppression of the armies, after they retrieved what they had hidden from the pits, they discovered that the cheese had improved in its characteristics. 
Over the weekend, there will be several parties, from musical aperitifs to the miniguide of primary school students with the collaboration of the whole town. 
Info: +39 0541 920036



19 and 26 November 2017
The Oil and Autumn Products Fair
An exhibition of typical agro-sylvo-pastoral and handicraft products, debates and conferences, exhibitions on Romagna's rural culture, olive oil and wine tastings, typical food stands, music and entertainment.  
The town will be rich with aromas and carefully selected products: homegrown olives, extra virgin olive oil, truffles, mushrooms, fresh wine, honey and derivatives, pit cheeses, natural and macrobiotic products, fruits, plants and flowers, and handicrafts. 



24 September, 1 October 2017 and the Christmas period
Poggio Berni, the Sapignoli Mill Museum
The Sapignoli Mill Museum
The Sapignoli Mill Museum, recognised by the Emilia Romagna Region as a quality Museum, celebrates its 7th birthday with free guided tours and recreational and cultural activities for children and adults (24/9), while on the 1st of October it opens its doors to children with teaching initiatives dedicated to magic. 
As a tradition, during the Christmas holidays, an original Nativity is set up at the museum's exhibition halls, which is prepared by school children, working with and using Bread and Wool. Free guided tours are provided. 

23 – 24 September 2017
Torriana, Stone Garden
Nights of the Mystic Swords
Two evenings to go on a journey "from the Middle Ages to the Gothic period, among mysticism and mystery" with various groups that offer performances with fire, among dances and figures. 



24 September and 1 October 2017
Perticara, historic centre
The Polenta and the fruits of the undergrowth Festival   
31st edition
Polenta with ragu or porcini mushrooms, made with a flour containing 13 species of corn rigorously ground with water, piadina, tripe, and CDO Sangiovese complete the gastronomic offer, while along the streets of the village are animated with the markets, folk traditions, music and animation, while the streets of the village are enlivened with the local market, the popular traditional games, music and entertainment. On Sunday, there are guided visits to the Sulfur, the Historical Mining Museum of Perticara, one of the first examples of industrial archaeology in Italy carried out in the largest sulphur mine in Europe, which recounts at least 500 years of sulphur mining activity in 3000 sq. m. of exhibition space. 
Info: +39 0541 845619 - 20

22 - 23 - 24 September and 30 September, and 1 October 2017
Novafeltria historic centre
‘Semplicemente Fotografare’ Live
This is an exception in the panorama of photographic events that take place in Italy. Created on Facebook from the group ‘Semplicemente Fotografare (Simply Photographing)’, the event, past its fourth edition, brings together virtual group members in a real place to deal with differences and prejudices. The whole old town of Novafeltria, through photography, becomes, for two weekends, the fifth scenic backdrop of various photographic activities: exhibitions, seminars, workshops, photo shoots, portfolio readings, lectures and discussions.


Sunday 24 September 2017
The New Year of Wine and Pressing Palio
17th edition
A Great Village Feast with wine tastings and piadina romagnola, Games of times gone by, a band, dances and popular music. At 5 p.m. there will be the fourth edition of the "Pressing Palio" between the historic Marignano hamlets. 
Over 100 volunteers and painters will paint the town's historic centre, which for the occasion will take a leap back in time by a century. 
Schedule: 15 - 22. In the morning, a Local Market of Crafts and Typical Product

Every fourth Sunday of the month
The Old and the Ancient
the traditional antiques, modern antiques, and collectibles market, whose stalls run along via Vittorio Veneto to the Galleria Marignano and along Libertà.



Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 September 2017
Historic Centre
The Orange Flags Days
On the occasion of the Responsible Tourism Festival - IT.A.CA. Migrants and Travelers, a walking proposal on two days, in collaboration with Human Residence Association of Rimini

Sunday 1 October 2017
Lose yourself in the Fort
The timeless allure of the fifteenth-century fortress attributed to Francesco di Giorgio Martini, the theatre of the last days of the Count of Cagliostro, is presented in theatrical costumes. The Koinè group will propose a historical trail animated by actors; a surreal and fun visit to find out about the characters who lived and passed through San Leo. 
Animated tour hours: 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.  Info:

Sunday 15 October 2017
Historic Centre
A guided tour to the Bell Tower and the Sacellum of San Leone
at 15.30


12 and 19 November 2017
Bacchus, Tobacco and Venus > Pit Cheese, Truffle and Venus
A series of sweet surprises that can be tasted and purchased during the event directly by local producers: the premium white truffle - Tuber Magnatum Pico - and the pit cheese from the Rimini hills 
Venus, of what the delight of life endures, and of the delights of Venus and Bacchus it is the greater. 
On the occasion of Pit Cheese, Truffle & Venus, craft workshops will be opened with some craftsmen from Mondaino, who will demonstrate their art, such as builders and repairers of accordions and musical instruments and the mosaicist who will hold a short mosaic course on the two Sundays for everyone. 



Sunday, December 17, 2017
Castle of Montegridolfo
The new oil on the table
XXI edition of the 'Novello di Romagna' Regional Competition, which aims to promote the use of extra virgin olive oil produced in Emilia Romagna, to divulge the noble peculiarities and stimulate olive growers  to improve the quality of olive oil.
Along the streets of the medieval village oil and typical products will be on show with the possibility of guided extra virgin olive oil tasting by ARPO. A Sunday of Christmas Markets where the Oil turns out to be the protagonist of the event.  Info: 0541.855054