In Romagna, the amusement parks open for the season 2017

Published on: 21 March 2017

With the arrival of spring, the Rimini Riviera’s theme parks open with their countless attractions, and during the period of the Easter school holidays are the ideal places to spend a few enjoyable hours with one’s family and friends.

From Saturday March 18th Italy in miniature opens for the  tourist season with its faithful scale reproductions of the most beautiful monuments and architectural treasures in Italy and Europe.

On April 1st, it is the turn of Fiabilandia, the natural reserve of entertainment for kids and the whole family,  a magical place suitable for very little children too and  built around a lake where the pirate ship of Captain Hook is anchored.

On April 1st Cattolica's Aquarium, the largest Aquarium of the Adriatic coast and Oltremare,the place for exciting and engaging experiences related to nature, science and adventure with the Dolphin Lagoon open to the public too, while Aquafan  will open on June 1st with a flurry of events and the most awaited novelty: the slide super adrenaline The Black Hole.
Many are the offers for kids and there are special promotions to purchase tickets online. Discover the parks:

Italy in Miniature
Full ticket: 23€/ reduced 17€. Info:

Full ticket: € 23,50 / reduced € 16,50 / free children under 3 years

Acquario di Cattolica
Full ticket: 20€/ reduced 16€. Info:

Full ticket: 26€, reduced 20€. Info:

Full ticket: 30€, reduced 21€, info:

For tickets and hotel bookings, info line:  0039 0541 53399