A tour through traditional and unusual Nativity scenes in Rimini

Published on: 1 December 2016

In Rimini you can visit extraordinary nativity scenes, fom the giant ones made of sand to the living performances and those coming from all over the world. The charm and poetry of the Nativity are always vivid and not subject to the wear of time.  Here is a brief tour of the cribs to be discovered in Rimini.

Sand Crib in Marina Centro
from 7th December 2016 to 22nd January 2017
Rimini Marina Centro, piazzale Boscovich (harbour area)
A suggestive Nativity in Rimini harbour area
On the beach, in one of the most characteristic areas of Rimini Marina, the harbour area, it is possible to admire a suggestive Holy Nativity made of sand, which covers a large area next to the Christmas village and the ice skating rinks.
For more than one month the beach of Marina Centro will host a Christmas route among life sized sand sculptures made by a team of sand artists.
The visits are accompanied by the staff who will explain the construction details and the various themes of the route.
Opening: Monday to Friday: 2.30 pm - 7 pm; Saturday and Sunday: 9.30 am - 10 pm
From 24th December to 8th January open every day from 9.30 am to 10 pm
Entrance: € 2 - free for children under 120 cm of height

Sand Crib in Torre Pedrera
8th December 2016 - 15th January 2017
Rimini Torre Pedrera, beach area 64 - 65
A Holy Nativity on the beach 
For the 10th consecutive year, the beach in Torre Pedrera hosts a suggestive Sand Crib which proposes the theme of the Nativity with life-size sculptures created with great skill by international artists of the sand. An amazing route will lead visitors up to the Nativity surrounded by local monuments, arts and crafts. A suggestive big sculpture on the beach, which can be seen from afar, will indicate the entrance to the Sand Crib.
Next to the crib,  the traditional handicraft market and a series of events will liven up the Christmas holidays. The initiative is organised by the Tourist Committee in Torre Pedrera.
Opening: every day 9.30 am – 12.30 pm / 2.30 pm – 6.30 pm. Entrance on free offer

Exhibition of Nativity scenes of the world
7th December 2016 - 6th January 2017
Rimini, Sala dell’Arengo, Piazza Cavour
Multi Ethnic representations of cribs
For the 14th consecutive year the Caritas - Migrantes and the main communities of immigrants in Rimini propose the exhibition of Nativity scenes from the world. The initiative aims to be an opportunity of religious and cultural interchange to increase relationship among people and break down the barriers of intolerance.
The exhibition involves around thirty communities who have created cribs representing their country from the environmental point of view and the religious traditions. The exhibition will include over 300 nativity scenes from various countries in the world to highlight how faith changes expression in relation to culture and place in which people are living.
The exhibition will close 6th January 2017 with a Holy Mass in the Cathedral chaired by the Bishop of Rimini Mons. Francesco Lambiasi.
Opening: every day 9.30 am - 12.30 / 3.30 pm - 7 pm.    Free admission   Info: 329.9537234   www.caritas.rimini.it

Nativities inside wooden barrels on the beach promenade in Viserbella
26th November 2016 - 6th January 2017
viale Porto Palos - Rimini Viserbella
On the beach promenade in Viserbella, you can admire original nativities created inside barrels, realized by restaurateurs, shopkeepers, hoteliers and operators of the area. A suggestive initiative in addition to the Christmas lights.

An artisan crib: a mechanical nativity installation by Alberto Minelli
December 2016 - 6th January 2017
Rimini, via Maffei, 11
Mr Alberto Minelli opens his house to the public to present his mechanical crib set up in one of the rooms in his home. The crib is principally made of wood and it is built on 5 levels.
The setting is realistic according to the Palestinian tradition. There are 7 mechanical movements, water games and fire. Some pieces are in resin dressed with handmade clothes, the minor characters are made of terracotta and hand painted.
Opening: on Saturdays and Sundays; on week-days after 5pm or on booking.
Info: 0541 390693 (at mealtimes) - 320 6920653

Nativity, Christmas decorations and Epiphany on Ponte dei Miracoli - the Miracles Bridge
Christmas holidays 2016 and Epiphany 6th January 2017
Rimini, Ponte della Resistenza, bridge on the way to San Giuliano Mare
The bridge "della Resistenza" is said to be the place where St. Anthony had made the miracle by preaching to the fish. For the Christmas holidays the bridge is decorated with scallops with well wishing phrases written in 60 different languages. Via Coletti, the so called "luminous way", leads to the bridge where there is a Holy Crib surrounded by brighten angels and the Three Kings, realized by Salvatore Federici. The highlight of the festival will be on the Epiphany day with the representation of the Holy Nativity and the arrival of the Three Kings on a boat in a solemn procession. The event will be accompanied by songs and fireworks creating illuminated fountains and it will be concluded with mulled wine and “ciambella”, the local sweet, offered by the Parish of San Giuseppe al Porto.
Info: www.pontedeimiracoli.rimini.it

Living Nativity in Rimini Miramare: through the eyes of S. Francis
Friday 16th December 2016
At the conclusion of the Year of Mercy, the Living Nativity in Miramare aims to highlight the simplicity of the first crib in history: the one in Greccio.
On the footsteps of S. Francis, pupils, teachers and parents of the schools in Miramare, led by Father Marco Finco, will involve everyone into the desire of S. Francis to 'see the Child of Bethlehem', giving new life to the first sacred representation of the Nativity.. The parade will begin at 8.30 pm in via Oliveti and it will lead along via Marconi up to the parish church in Miramare, which will host the representation of the Holy Nativity.

Private Crib open to the public for Christmas
From 17tht December 2016 to 8th January 2017
Rimini Viserba, via Toscanelli 132
To celebrate Christmas, Mario and Maria Semprini have set up a giant crib in their home. The nativity scene, dating back to the early 1900, is open to the public in the week-ends. Next to the Nativity there are characters related to the rural world of the past with workshops of old crafts, with somemechanical animations. The image of the old Romagna countryside is evoked by many of Mario Semprini' s childhood memories of the '30s and '40s.
Opening: Saturday and Sunday from 3 pm to 7 pm   Info: 0541 732881 ( Semprini home)

Living Nativity in the Borgo Sant'Andrea
Sunday 18th December 2016
Borgo Sant'Andrea, Piazza Mazzini - Rimini
They are more than 150 the participants in the living nativity in the Borgo Sant'Andrea, one of the ancient districts of Rimini. The parish church in Piazza Mazzini becomes the point of departure and arrival of the procession that ends with the scene of the Three Kings. There will be set up village of artisans and shepherds in the ancient washhouse, recently restored, while the Holy Crib will be staged in the park in front of the primary school.
Time: 3 pm - 5.30 pm

Living representation of the Holy Crib in Rimini historic centre
Sunday 18th December 2016
Rimini historic centre
The living representation of the Nativity is a tradition proposed every year by the Karis Foundation's schools. On Sunday afternoon, Rimini historic centre goes back to the past "Roman times" and along the streets it is possible to meet people in Roman costumes walking around. Close to the castle Rocca Malatestiana you can bump into shepherds' camps or handicraft stalls, and you can take part in the representation of the Holy Nativity inside the Malatesta Temple (Rimini cathedral). The parade starts around 4 pm from the Rocca Malatestiana castle and it leads along the streets in the historic up to the cathedral for the representation of the Holy Nativity.
Time: from 4 pm  Info:  0541 53399 (Tourist Information); 0541 375002; 0541 375813 (Karis Schools)

Nativity at the Arch of Augustus
23rd December 2016 - 8th January 2017
Rimini, the Arch of Augustus
On Friday 23rd December, at 12 am: inauguration of the Nativity set up in the splendid setting of the Arch of Augustus, at the presence of the Bishop and the local authorities.
The crib is made by the students of Centro Zavatta Onlus Association, who this year have created the Nativity set up in the places recently struck by the earthquake in Central Italy.

The Nativity at the Sanctuary of S. Maria delle Grazie
from 24th December 2016 to 7th January 2017
Rimini, Colle di Covignano (hillside)
The Holy crib of the '700 enlightened for Christmas
As tradition at Christmas time, the Sanctuary of S. Maria delle Grazie highlights the Nativity of Our Lord.
The Nativity at the Sanctuary refers to the crib of Greccio, and it is represented as an integral part of the main altar to highlight that Jesus is present among people through the Eucharist.
The Holy Crib is a sculptural work of art from 1700 and it is exhibited in the church under a special light, creating a suggestive atmosphere.

Underwater Crib
From 25th December 2016 to 6th January 2017
Marina di Rimini, via Ortigara - Rimini San Giuliano Mare
The traditional Sea Nativity at the tourist harbour 
On Christmas Day at 5 pm  the Sea Crib will emerge fron the water in front of the tourist harbour. The divers will arrive in procession upto the point where the crib is located and, with the help of teams of the naval forces and the civil protection, they will undergo the rescue of the crib, which will remain on surface to be admired until Epiphany. For the occasion will be offered hot chocolate, cake and mulled wine to everyone.
Time:  at 5 pm  Info: 0541 29488 (Darsena); 0541 53399 (Tourist Information)

Holy Nativity in Rimini's countryside
Living representations of Nativity and exhibition of original cribs
Tradition and religious devotion fill up the beautiful hills of Rimini, with events of great suggestion:
- Montefiore Conca - On 26th December and 1st January from 5.30 pm to 8 pm, the historic center of the medieval town becomes the scene of the natural representation of the Nativity. In case of rain the Nativity scene will be repeated on 6th January at 5.30 pm. Entrance fee 4 €; children up to 10 years free.
- Montescudo - On 17th December, at 8.30 pm a Living Nativity with more than 150 people in costume who will perform the Nativity at 9 pm.
- Santarcangelo - Crib in the monumental caves. The caves that branch out in the underground of the hill are decorated for the Christmas holidays and welcomes the public for guided tours. First opening on 8th December 2016. During this day it is possible to visit the crib from 3 pm to 7 pm; entrance with free offer.  Fee admission if you visit during the guided tours to the caves at the following times: 3.30 pm - 4.15 pm - 5 pm - 5.45 pm departing from the tourist office in Santarcangelo, via Battisti 5. From 9th December to 6th January the guided tours take place at the following times: 10.15 am - 11 am - 11.45 am - 3.30 pm - 4.15 pm - 5 pm - 5.45 pm. Entrance fee € 3.
Simplicity and charm for the Crib in the cave of the Button Museum, visible every day from 8th December 2016 to 15th January 2017 from 10 am to 12 pm and from 3 pm to 6 pm. Entrance with free offer. From 16th November to 26th December it is possible to visit an exhibition of cribs by Fabrizio Ottaviani at the 4^ room in the Tourist Office. Weekends and holidays 9 am - 12 o clock and 3.30 pm - 6.30 pm.  Free admission.
- San Marino - From 3th December to 8th January cribs from Naples and San Marino will be exhibited. The Neapolitan crib are on show in the crypt of the Church of San Pietro in Piazzale Domus Plebis , while the typical San Marino cribs exhibit in the Contrada del Pianello Tower and near the door of San Francesco.

Info and holidays packages: +39 0541.53399 Tourist information Offices