Francesco Bocchini for Rimini

Published on: 28 January 2015
After Gruau, Toccafondo, Manara, Jovanotti, Eron, the italian artist Francesco Bocchini signs the new image for Rimini Summer 2012.

The yellowed page of an old open notebook is the evocative canvas, collecting fragments of objects and images that make up the new poster of Rimini.
There is a poetic world of suggestive memories in the work of the painter and sculptor Francesco Bocchini from Gambettola, chosen by the Town Council of Rimini as image of the summer 2012.

The poster consists of a patchwork of images coming out from an old trunk and evoking the memory of the circus, the history, yesterday and today’s beach and sea. All these aspects are joined together by the sentimental feeling of nostalgia for the summer days of the past which have been impressed in the memory of so many people for a lifetime.

After René Gruau’s refined touch (2000), Gianluigi Toccafondo’s women (2003), Milo Manara’s seductive art (2004), Jovanotti 's pop drawing (2005), Luca Giovagnoli’s rarfined atmosphere (2006), Pablo echaurren’s tribal reference (2007), Marco Morosini’s vintage interpretation (2008), Alessandro Bergonzoni’s pun (2009), Francesca Ghermandi’s ironic illustration (2012) and Eron’s spray painted sunset, it is the journey in the circus of memory that characterizes this year’s interpretation of the city.

With this work Francesco Bocchini is officially included in the gallery of artists who, since 2000, have represented Rimini, following the famous past tradition of the early decades of the 20th century which boasted important names such as Marcello Dudovich, Adolfo Busi, Alberto Bianchi, Ugo Nespolo, Milton Glaser and René Gruau.

The advertising campaign is a welcome to Rimini through posters, postcards and tourist information produced by the local Tourist Board.

Bocchini’s work will be part of the permanent collection hosted in the City Museum