Festival Francescano is in Rimini from 26th to 28th September

Published on: 28 January 2015
Festival Francescano is a festival for everybody and includes moments of spirituality, study, entertainment, artistic performances, workshops, exhibitions and activities for children according to "St. Francis' lifestyle".

"Liberi nella gioia” (free in joy) is the title of the 2014 edition, organized in Rimini, the capital of tourism and hospitality in Romagna, from 26th to 28th September by the Franciscan Movement of the region for the third year consecutive. The aim of the rich and multifaceted program of the festival is the deepening of  "true and perfect joy", in the context of the nowadays increasingly distrust and economic crisis, with less values and difficult relationships ...  Just in this context the Festival wants to communicate St. Francis's message of love.

The figure of the saint from Assisi continues to attract people who are fascinated by the culture of respect (for others, for themselves and for the Creation) of which the patron saint of Italy is the incarnation.

Therefore the Italian Franciscan Movement has chosen the "formula of the festival" and has gone out into the streets among people, encountering them through cultural means such as music, art, poetry and singing.

Many famous guests have contributed to this experience and will still contribute to explain the earthly life of the saint and its implications for today's people.
Among the guests who will be present in this edition is Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, considered by many as the "Wojtyla of the Philippines" for his pastoral charism (Sunday 28th, at 3 pm).
The Festival proposes also protagonists coming from the world of art and poetry such as Davide Rondoni, who will explore the endless fascination evoked by the concept of happiness (Saturday 27th, at 9.30 am).
The festival also presents important speakers from the academic world, such as the well-known philosopher Salvatore Natoli who will converse with the president of the Italian Rabbinical Ensemble, Giuseppe Laras (Sunday 28th, at 5 pm).
After the success of 2013 edition, the Festival again proposes workshops to explore and discover the main theme of Joy in a more intimate way. The workshops are led by educators, journalists, writers, psychologists, religious and even by a "chef", Francesco Del Grosso, famous as to his cooking program on TV, channel 2000, "Quel che passa il convento”. 

The feeling of Joy as simply "feeling good together", will be interpreted by the event on schedule on the evening of Friday 26th: a dinner in the suggestive setting of Borgo San Giuliano, the old fishermen's district of Rimini, full of charm and traditions (on booking).  Here on Saturday evening there will be performances of modern "jesters", the buskers! Another way to enliven the streets in the style of St. Francis.

The festival will also be an opportunity to reach the most authentic Franciscan spirituality and discover the beauty of the many Franciscan places in Rimini, both in town and in the rolling hills of the hinterland. For information: 0039 0541 53399

Among the spiritual events, in the year of the sanctification of Amato Ronconi (1225 – 1292), a Franciscan coming from Rimini, the festival will exhibited his relics.

The Festival also offers a rich program of educational activities for schools of all levels, up to the University. Info: didattica@festivalfrancescano.it

Info: www.festivalfrancescano.it Facebook (/festivalfrancescano) and Twitter (@festfrancescano).