Widespread Museum of the Seafaring - artists' riverside and fishing huts

A new open-air museum dedicated to the history and traditions of the Rimini seafaring was inaugurated on Monday 23 May 2022 at the 'Riverside of artists and fishing huts' of San Giuliano mare. It is a tourist-cultural route to promote the places, culture and traditions of the seafaring in Rimini, told and proposed through two information boards located along the left and right banks of the “Deviatore Marecchia” riverside.
The project, financed with European funds for maritime, fishing and aquaculture policy, saw the active participation of some classes of the "Giulio Cesare - Manara Valgimigli" high school in Rimini who were involved in the composition and translation of the texts on the information boards.
The new widespread museum gives visibility to the history and traditions of the Rimini seafaring by bringing out the connections with the places of the city that testify to the culture of the sea: the City Museum with an important archaeological section dedicated to the sea, the ancient fish market of the eighteenth century, the port, the lighthouse, the shipyards of the shipwrights, the ancient fishing villages of San Giuliano and the fishing huts up to the Museum of Small 'Fishing and Shells', ' E Scaion' in Viserbella and the 'Vele al Terzo Association', who actively collaborated in the intervention.