Sanctuary of Santa Maria delle Grazie

Marian sanctuary

This Fourteenth-century Franciscan church is situated on the Covignano hill, which offers an excellent view over Rimini and the southern stretch of the Romagna Riviera.

Seriously damaged during the second world war, when the original right-hand aisle was destroyed, fortunately rebuilt very soon after, it attracts many visitors, partly for its particular religious interest, partly for the pleasant surroundings, and partly for its particular museum, hosted in the nearby Villa Alvarado, where a rich and original ethnological collection with exhibits from Africa, Oceania and America is housed.

Always on Covignano Hill there is one of the oldest Via Crucis, certainly the oldest one in our Region. It starts from the foot of the hill and comes up to the square in front of the church, following a beatiful staircase amidst the green.

Opening hours and period

all year