Villa Mattioli

Located at about 5km from Rimini, surrounded by the beautiful Valmarecchia river's landscape, Villa Mattioli (designed by the architect Luigi Poletti) has come back to its ancient splendor after beeing restored, giving light to the neoclassical, renaissance and romantic decoration.
The Mattioli complex is surrounded by a beautiful park and it is a perfect location to celebrate conferences, meetings, gala dinners and banquets.
It consists of two buildings: Villa Mattioli which is spread over three floors; a central room surrounded by 5 rooms decorated in neoclassical style, and the Salone Diotallevi, built more recently.

Capacity of the halls:
- N. 80 seats in Villa Mattioli on the first floor
- N. 120/130 seats in the Villa Mattioli on the 2nd floor
- N. 100 guests for buffet on the ground floor
- N. 120 guests for buffet on the 2nd floor
- N. 150 seats in Salone Diotallevi

Opening hours and period

all year