RDS 100% GRANDI SUCCESSI & Discoradio Party

Live radio and TV, animation, DjSet - For the Pink Night travelling party of Discoradio

from 27 June to 10 July 2022

The entertainment and music by RDS 100% GRANDI SUCCESSI, Radio Partner of the Romagna summer, return to Rimini, during two weeks, from 27 June to 10 July, of live radio and television from Piazzale Kennedy, with the voices of Claudio Guerrini, Roberta Lanfranchi and Beppe De Marco.
During the Pink Night, on Saturday 2 July, starting from 10.00pm the 100% GRANDI SUCCESSI RDS station in Piazzale Kennedy hosts the Discoradio Party: the  with all the hottest hits from the 90s up to today, mixed by Edo Munari and Matteo Epis with the entertainment by Valentina Guidi and Don Cash.
The Dj-sets of Claudio Guerrini and Roberta Lanfranchi animate the square at 6:30pm from Tuesday to Friday, while Friday 8 and Saturday 9 July, RDS hosts the performance of two great Italian singers.


Nuovo Belvedere, piazzale Kennedy - Rimini Marina Centro