Saturday 30th May 2015
at 8.45 pm
This is the first appointment with the traditional concerts of the festival "Musica per la Città" proposed by the Musical Institute "G.Lettimi" at the end of the school year.
The concert on 30th May is particularly important because it is the result of a collaboration with the Musical Institute "G. Verdi" in Ravenna, which has led to the realization of a symphony orchestra with teachers and students of the two music schools.
Two young students will perform as soloists, the clarinetist from Ravenna, Matteo Succi, in the concerto for clarinet and orchestra KV 622 by W.A. Mozart, and the violin student from Rimini, Giulia Pasquini, who will present the concert for violin and orchestra op n.5. 37 by H. Vieuxtemps. The music program is completed by the performance "Vision fugitive" n. 20 and n. 10 by S. Prokofiev, orchestrated by Marco Santià and conducted by Maestro Marco Titotto.
Una collaborazione, quella tra gli Istituti di Ravenna e Rimini, che ha già dato negli ultimi anni l'occasione agli studenti di partecipare a produzioni musicali di prestigio come quelle dedicate a Giuseppe Verdi nel 2013 da Ravenna Festival o a master class con musicisti importanti , nella prospettiva di qualificare e ampliare sempre più l'offerta formativa, come richiede la legge di riforma dei conservatori, contenendo i costi.