Guided tour by Guidopolis: Discovering Rimini

The longest New Year’s celebrations in the world: Discovering art and archeology in the ancient Rimini

8th, 9th,10th, 16th, 17th, 23rd, 24th, 30th, 31st December 2017 and 1st January 2018
Excursions and Guided tours

During the Christmas period, Guidopolis offers guided tours to discoover the art and archeology of ancient Rimini.
Path: Arch of Augustus, Tiberius Bridge, Amphitheater, Surgeon's Domus, Malatestian Temple.
The initiative is by reservation.


Piazza Tre Martiri (meeting under the colck tower) Rimini historic centre
Cost of partecipation: € 7 per person
Free entry: 
Kids under 11 years

Additional information

The visit can also be booked at the Tourist Information Offices (IAT), in piazzale Fellini and at the Railway Station. Info: Tel. +39 0541 53399